How do you feel about the fact that you attended a High School that no longer exist? Or the building where you had your High School years is now a shopping mall?
I expected that at a former classmate would ask why I did not attend the high school reunion.
"When? Was that last Saturday? I lost track of the date" was my rehearsed answer when someone actually did.
Generally, why would someone miss occasion like this. I list down few reasons.
1. You're not really excited to see old friends and look back to old times.
They say high school is one important phase in one's life. It's either you always remember the memories positively or badly. I've had frustrations over the things I was not able to achieve in high school but I must have moved on after 18 years.
2. You feel you fail in comparison with your batchmates.
The thought that your classmates would mind your misfortunes and failures in life proves that you have a problem. The feeling that both of you are going to compare each other's success is an indication that you're not really a good friend with them. One reason to attend a high school reunion is to see a friend.
3. Years have passed and you just don't feel explaining what happened in between.
Thanks to social networking site for keeping updated at your batchmates lives. If you did not feel chatting or messaging them what goes on with their lives, you must have somehow read their status or browsed their albums. The same goes with them to your FB account. there's no need to explain since reunion would just be physical gathering when in essence you're cyber-connected all along.
4. You're basically happy to find out that there is more important schedule set beforehand.
The most difficult task to achieve in organizing a reunion is to set a date -thus accommodating everyone's request. If you're in the minority of having an appointment on the scheduled date, just don't feel betrayed that you're one of the sacrificed few to give way to the majority.
5. You hate to realize who you were and who you are not.
High school which is equal to adolescence, is the most troublesome part on life. You may still have unresolved issues on own on. If this prevents you from showing up to the occasion you may look for the solution for your insecurities.
6. Reunion is such a happy event that they will enjoy with who are there than resent not seeing those who did not show up.
7. There is just no explanation.
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Left - the legendary pinoy henyo, I suppose. Right - I should have been standing in between
the two best looking classmates. Actually, I am the third most handsome in the class.
I waited for few more days to look at the pictures in our group account. They looked genuinely happy seeing each other even without dance numbers. Noticeably, the number in attendance is low considering the entire batch is composed of four sections (40 plus each). Similarly, there were many classmates who want to come up with good excuses for not attending the reunion.
Just this morning, I got a message "Bakit di ka umattend ng reunion, hinahanap ka namin?".
One of the postscripts of the reunion is a classmate who went back to the school. It some kind of a home coming for him. He works in Makati so it's such a big deal for him to be back in school.
I work in our hometown ever since so there is no problem going back to that school. I even have transactions with the school as part of my work. I even applied for a job in that school but not got admitted. I work in an office adjacent to the school. It's now a university and the secondary level has long been phased out. Abot tanaw ko lang sa school araw-araw but that is not the reason why I am not that keen on attending the school reunion as a balik-tanaw.
Umattend na lang sana ako so I don't need to explain.
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