Thursday, April 10, 2014

5 Thoughts About My New MAG

I've said it before that I have a magazine collection. It's just I just don't want to call them such because I don't want to have emotional connection with them. I don't want to be sad when a friend borrows and I never recovered it. Ultimately, I can freely accept when I find out that most of my magazines were salvaged (I can't find the correct term) because of my son's assignment i. e. cut out 10 things which are colored green or purple.

My latest find is a back issue of BLU-PRINT, which I have to hide from my wife. I imagine her saying - "Magazine na naman?"  I think it's only my second or third copy of the magazine. I like seeing structures and architectural designs but the Blu Print is basically leaning towards the technical side.

Not to be more technical about it, I listed down random thoughts about what I found inside the issue.

1. Escolta
2. De campanilla
3. bakit walang bahay ng artisita
4.  pierced
5.   Juan Alcazaren

I once or twice seen Escolta decades ago. In 2009, I took the board exam. On the last day of exam, I gave myself a treat of roaming around Manila - taking any jeep or walking to anywhere. My foot led me to Escolta. I was quite surprised how it looked like. No establishment in operation. Anyway, that was a Sunday. There must have been few businesses running but the state of the buildings was obvious.

De campanilla.
I just that the term de campanilla is a joke.

Bakit walang bahay ng Artista?
I chose this mag in lieu of a celebrity mag. I must have expected that the contents are more technical side of construction and less of aesthetics.

It was my long planned activity to pick a vocabulary out of my reads and look for its meaning.
         pierced (pɪərst) adj.
1. punctured or perforated, as to form a decorative design.
2. (of the ear) having the lobe punctured, as for earrings.
3. (of an earring) made to be worn in a pierced ear.

Juan Alacazaren
Also to know people whose name I encounter on my reads.

Juan Alcazaren graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Landscape Architecture from the University of the Philippines in 1983, after which he took  foundational courses in sculpture from the institution’s College of Fine Arts. He is an animator and the director of Alcazaren Bros. Production from 1989 and has received the 13 Artists Award in 2000. Alcazaren’s practice has been featured in solo exhibitions since 1992 in the Philippines.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Free Newspaper Again

The selfie is not from a camera phone or a digicam. You guess it right -
I quite got other customers' attention  when I do selfie using a DSLR.

I hate to be redundant but I can't help but share my delight getting free newspaper again. One of my favorite thing in life.

We came from an office activity which started early morning. It was customary that after such activities a host would likely treat us for breakfast. For today, no one did so I have to treat myself for breakfast. 
